Seu amor, faz valer a pena!

"There is no love, sweeter than the love you pour on me / There is no song, sweeter than the song you sing to me / There is no place, that I would rather be / Than here at your feet, laying down everything

All to you, I surrender
Everything, every part of me
All to you, I surrender
All of my dreams, all of me
I surrender

If worship’s like perfume, I’ll pour mine out on you /
For there is none as deserving of my love like you / So take my hand and draw me into you / I want to be swept away, lost in love for you

No turning back, I’ve made up my mind / I’m giving all of my life this time

Your love makes it worth it / Your love makes it worth it all / Your love makes it worth it all!"

I Surrender - Jesus Culture (Kim Walker)
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